
The Inflex module is a rule-based morphological analyser and generator. It allows for conversions of any noun, verb or adjective to a specific wordform such as singular, plural, past, past participle or present participle.

Inflex can be tried out and compared against competitors including nltk, textblob, pattern, inflect, inflection, inflector, lemminflect, and pyinflect on Furthermore, the comparison of performance of all of these modules is visualised on, using several different datasets. These results show that Inflex outperforms all existing modules for noun conversions, and performs competitively for verbs. This website also contains the thesis out of which Inflex (formerly called Inflexion) was born.

Sample usage

from inflex import Noun, Verb, Adjective

# Converting Nouns
Noun("book").plural()   # Produces "books"
Noun("book").singular() # Produces "book"

# Converting Verbs
Verb("fly").plural()    # Produces "fly"
Verb("fly").singular()  # Produces "flies"
Verb("fly").past()      # Produces "flew"
Verb("fly").pres_part() # Produces "flying"
Verb("fly").past_part() # Produces "flown"

# Converting Adjectives
Adjective("my").singular()       # Produces "my"
Adjective("our").plural()        # Produces "our"
Adjective("small").comparative() # Produces "smallest"
Adjective("small").superlative() # Produces "smaller"

See Quick Reference for a brief reference of Inflex, or API Reference for the full API Reference.