Source code for inflex.adjective

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import re

from inflex.syllable import Syllable
from inflex.term import Term
from inflex.adjective_core import (
from inflex.noun import Noun

[docs]class Adjective(Term): """Class for detecting and converting to adjective forms.""" # Regexes to be tried before applying -er or -est. # E.g. "pretty" is converted to "pretti" according to these regexes, # and then "er" or "est" are appended for comparative and # superlative respectively. # This produces "prettier" and "prettiest". _stem_regexes = { re.compile(r"[aiou]y\Z"): lambda match:, re.compile(r"ey\Z"): lambda _match: "i", re.compile(r"y\Z"): lambda _match: "i", re.compile(r"e\Z"): lambda _match: "", # re.compile(r"([dbmnt])\Z"): lambda match: * 2, } _stem_double_regex = re.compile( r"((?:[^aeiou]|^)[aeiouy]([bcdlgkmnprstvz]))\Z") _possessive_regex = re.compile( r"\A(.*)'s?\Z", flags=re.IGNORECASE | re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL ) _possessive_inflexion = { # Term 0TH 1ST 2ND 3RD "my": { "singular": ["my", "my", "your", "its"], "plural": ["our", "our", "your", "their"], }, "your": { "singular": ["your", "my", "your", "its"], "plural": ["your", "our", "your", "their"], }, "her": { "singular": ["her", "my", "your", "her"], "plural": ["their", "our", "your", "their"], }, "his": { "singular": ["his", "my", "your", "his"], "plural": ["their", "our", "your", "their"], }, "its": { "singular": ["its", "my", "your", "its"], "plural": ["their", "our", "your", "their"], }, "our": { "singular": ["my", "my", "your", "its"], "plural": ["our", "our", "your", "their"], }, "their": { "singular": ["their", "my", "your", "its"], "plural": ["their", "our", "your", "their"], }, } _comparative_conversions = { "good": "better", "well": "better", "best": "better", "bad": "worse", "badly": "worse", "ill": "worse", "worst": "worse", "far": "further", "furthest": "further", # "little": "less", # Could also be "littler", e.g. "little book" -> "even littler book" "many": "more", "much": "more", "most": "more", "least": "lesser", } _superlative_conversions = { "good": "best", "well": "best", "better": "best", "bad": "worst", "badly": "worst", "ill": "worst", "worse": "worst", "far": "furthest", "further": "furthest", # "little": "least", # We opt for littlest "many": "most", "much": "most", "more": "most", "less": "least", "lesser": "least", } # ---------------------------------- # # Override default methods from Term # # ---------------------------------- #
[docs] def __init__(self, term: str): # pylint: disable=W0235 """Creates an Adjective instance with detection and conversion methods. Examples: >>> adj = Adjective("my") >>> adj.plural() 'our' >>> adj = Adjective("pretty") >>> adj.comparative() 'prettier' >>> adj.superlative() 'prettiest' Note: Capitalisation and whitespace will be preserved between input `term` and generated output. Args: term (str): Input word or collocation. """ super().__init__(term)
[docs] def is_adj(self) -> bool: """Returns `True` only if this adjective is instantiated via `Adjective(term)`. Returns: bool: Returns `True` only if this adjective is instantiated via `Adjective(term)`. """ return True
[docs] def is_singular(self) -> bool: """Detect whether this adjective is in singular form. Returns: bool: True if this adjective is deemed singular. """ return is_singular(self.term)
[docs] def is_plural(self) -> bool: """Detect whether this adjective is in plural form. Returns: bool: True if this adjective is deemed plural. """ return is_plural(self.term)
[docs] def singular(self, person: int = 0) -> str: """Returns this adjective's singular form. Args: person (Optional[int], optional): Represents the grammatical "person" (1st, 2nd, 3rd). This option only affects possessive adjectives. Defaults to 0. Returns: str: This adjective's singular form. """ self._check_valid_person(person) # Is it possessive form? match = self._possessive_regex.match(self.term) if match: return self._reapply_whitespace(Noun( + "'s") if self.term.lower() in self._possessive_inflexion: return self._encase(self._possessive_inflexion[self.term.lower()]["singular"][person]) return self._encase(convert_to_singular(self.term))
[docs] def plural(self, person: int = 0) -> str: """Returns this adjective's plural form. Args: person (Optional[int], optional): Represents the grammatical "person" (1st, 2nd, 3rd). This option only affects possessive adjectives. Defaults to 0. Returns: str: This adjective's plural form. """ self._check_valid_person(person) # Is it possessive form? match = self._possessive_regex.match(self.term) if match: noun = Noun( + "'s" return self._reapply_whitespace(re.sub(r"s's\Z", "s'", noun, flags=re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL)) if self.term.lower() in self._possessive_inflexion: return self._encase(self._possessive_inflexion[self.term.lower()]["plural"][person]) return self._encase(convert_to_plural(self.term))
[docs] def lemma(self) -> str: """Return this object's lemma form. Examples: >>> Adjective('pretty').lemma() 'pretty' Returns: str: This object's lemma form. """ return self.plural()
# --------------------------------- # # Methods exclusively for Adjective # # --------------------------------- # @staticmethod def _stem(term: str) -> str: """Stem `term` so that "-er"/"-est" can be appended for comparative/superlative forms. Args: term (str): The input word to stem. Returns: str: The stemmed version of `term`, ready for appending "-er" or "-est". """ # Utility method that adjusts final consonants when they need to be doubled in inflexions. # Apply the first relevant transform. for regex in Adjective._stem_regexes: match = if match: # Adding `term[match.end():]` is unnecessary for now, # but allows for more complex regexes. return term[:match.start()] + Adjective._stem_regexes[regex](match) +\ term[match.end():] # Get a set of known syllable counts for term syllable_count = Syllable.count_syllables(term) # Duplicate last letter if: if ( # The word is certainly just one syllable, or 1 in syllable_count # The word is just one syllable, or or (not syllable_count and Syllable.guess_if_one_syllable(term)) # The last syllable is stressed or (Syllable.ends_with_stress(term)) ) and # AND the word ends in (roughly) CVC return term + term[-1] return term @staticmethod def _prepend_more_most(word: str) -> bool: """Specify whether "more" or "most" should be prepended before `word` for comp/super. Args: word (str): Input word or collocation. .. TODO: Move comparative and superlative into one method which is then called by both. Mine wiktionary for tests Returns: bool: True if the system believes that "more" or "most" should be prepended to `word` when converting it to comparative or superlative, respectively. Based on the deemed syllable count of `word` """ syllable_counts = Syllable.count_reduced_syllables(word) if max(syllable_counts) > 2: return True if (2 in syllable_counts and word and not word.endswith(("y", "ow", "le", "er")) ): return True return False
[docs] def comparative(self, only_suffix: bool = False) -> str: """Returns this Adjective's comparative form. Args: only_suffix (bool, optional): If `True`, then only convert by modifying suffix. If `False`, `more` can also be prepended as a means of converting to comparative. Defaults to `False`. Examples: >>> adj = Adjective("pretty") >>> adj.comparative() prettier Note: "little" or "far" will fail due to having multiple options: * little (kid) -> littler (kid) * little (food) -> less (food) and * far -> further * far -> farther Fails on e.g. "boring" or "famous" We convert these to "boringer" and "famouser". In reality they should be "more boring" and "more famous" .. TODO: Adjectives that already represent the greatest degree, e.g. perfect, complete, total, empty Adjectives that cannot be compared due to their meaning, e.g. pregnant, equal, ideal, British e.g. "quiet" is converted to "more quiet" rather than "quieter" Often should change the second word in "dog-friendly" type collocations. If abbreviation (all caps), then always prepend more Returns: str: This Adjective's comparative form. """ if self.term.lower() in self._comparative_conversions.values(): return self._encase(self.term) if self.term.lower() in self._comparative_conversions: return self._encase(self._comparative_conversions[self.term.lower()]) # If multiple words pattern = re.compile(r"-| ") match = if match: term = self.term[:match.start()] remainder = self.term[match.end():] # If the form is e.g. "high and mighty", # then we want to convert both before and after the "and" if remainder.startswith("and "): output_format = f"{{}}{}and {{}}" remainder = Adjective(remainder[4:]).comparative(only_suffix) else: output_format = f"{{}}{}{{}}" return output_format.format(Adjective(term).comparative(only_suffix), remainder) if not only_suffix and (self.term.isupper() or Adjective._prepend_more_most(self.term)): return f"more {self._encase(self.term)}" return self._encase(Adjective._stem(self.term) + "er")
[docs] def superlative(self, only_suffix: bool = False) -> str: """Returns this Adjective's superlative form. Args: only_suffix (bool, optional): If `True`, then only convert by modifying suffix. If `False`, `most` can also be prepended as a means of converting to superlative. Defaults to `False`. Examples: >>> adj = Adjective("pretty") >>> adj.superlative() prettiest Note: "little" or "far" will fail due to having multiple options: * little (kid) -> littlest (kid) * little (food) -> least (food) and * far -> furthest * far -> farthest Fails on e.g. "boring" or "famous" We convert these to "boringest" and "famousest". In reality they should be "most boring" and "most famous" .. TODO 'yest_vs_iest': [['plaguy', 'plaguyest', ['plaguiest']], ['cliquy', 'cliquyest', ['cliquiest']], ['heauy', 'heauyest', ['heauiest']]], 'est_vs_most': [['left', 'leftest', ['most left', 'leftmost']], ['outer', 'outerest', ['outermost']], ['inner', 'innerest', ['innermost']], ['upper', 'upperest', ['uppermost']], ['nether', 'netherest', ['nethermost']], ['hind', 'hindest', ['hindmost']]], Adverbs (slowly, carefully, easily, -ly) have more/most More/most for title case, e.g. more American Returns: str: This Adjective's superlative form. """ if self.term.lower() in self._superlative_conversions.values(): return self._encase(self.term) if self.term.lower() in self._superlative_conversions: return self._encase(self._superlative_conversions[self.term.lower()]) pattern = re.compile(r"-| ") match = if match: term = self.term[:match.start()] remainder = self.term[match.end():] # If the form is e.g. "high and mighty", # then we want to convert both before and after the "and" if remainder.startswith("and "): output_format = f"{{}}{}and {{}}" remainder = Adjective(remainder[4:]).superlative(only_suffix) else: output_format = f"{{}}{}{{}}" return output_format.format(Adjective(term).superlative(only_suffix), remainder) if not only_suffix and (self.term.isupper() or Adjective._prepend_more_most(self.term)): return f"most {self._encase(self.term)}" return self._encase(Adjective._stem(self.term) + "est")