Sample outputs


CollectionModel will return an instance with the following json structure:

    "author": {"location": "",
                "name": "TukTuk Design",
                "permalink": "/tuktukdesign",
                "username": "tuktukdesign"},
    "author_id": "319644",
    "date_created": "2014-06-15 13:59:41",
    "date_updated": "2014-06-15 14:00:38",
    "description": "",
    "icon_count": "18",
    "id": "220",
    "is_collaborative": "",
    "is_featured": "0",
    "is_published": "1",
    "is_store_item": "0",
    "name": "Arrows-1",
    "permalink": "/tuktukdesign/collection/arrows-1",
    "slug": "arrows-1",
    "sponsor": {},
    "sponsor_campaign_link": "",
    "sponsor_id": "",
    "tags": ["arrow",
            "up arrow",
            "down arrow",
            "left arrow",
            "right arrow",
            "up arrows",
            "down arrows",
            "left arrows",
            "right arrows"],
    "template": "24"

How this data may be accessed after a request is described in Model.

Beyond this data, instances that were generated not as an element of a list will also have the following attribute:

  • response holding a requests.Response object of the request.

See Collection output handling for a code example of accessing this model’s data.


CollectionsModel will return a list of CollectionModel objects, each with the following json structure:

    "author": {"location": "Islamabad, Capital, PK",
                "name": "Flatart",
                "permalink": "/Flatart",
                "username": "Flatart"},
    "author_id": "4478358",
    "date_created": "2019-08-02 10:55:16",
    "date_updated": "2019-08-02 10:55:16",
    "description": "",
    "id": "88003",
    "is_collaborative": "",
    "is_featured": "0",
    "is_published": "1",
    "is_store_item": "0",
    "name": "Maps & Travel",
    "permalink": "/Flatart/collection/maps-travel",
    "slug": "maps-travel",
    "sponsor": {},
    "sponsor_campaign_link": "",
    "sponsor_id": "",
    "tags": [],
    "template": "24"

A method returning CollectionsModel in reality returns a list with some additional attributes:

  • collections holding a list of DotDict objects, each with a collection.

  • response holding a requests.Response object of the request.

Furthermore, each element in the list may be accessed like Model.

See Collections output handling for a code example of accessing this model’s data.


IconModel will return an instance with the following json structure:

    "attribution": "Coat Check by AIGA from Noun Project",
    "collections": [{"author": {"location": "US",
                                "name": "AIGA",
                                "permalink": "/aiga-icons",
                                "username": "aiga-icons"},
                    "author_id": "3805019",
                    "date_created": "2012-01-27 19:15:26",
                    "date_updated": "2018-04-17 20:37:44",
                    "description": "",
                    "id": "3",
                    "is_collaborative": "",
                    "is_featured": "1",
                    "is_published": "1",
                    "is_store_item": "0",
                    "name": "Symbol Signs",
                    "permalink": "/aiga-icons/collection/symbol-signs",
                    "slug": "symbol-signs",
                    "sponsor": {},
                    "sponsor_campaign_link": "",
                    "sponsor_id": "",
                    "tags": [],
                    "template": "24"}],
    "date_uploaded": "",
    "icon_url": "<manually truncated>",
    "id": "6",
    "is_active": "1",
    "is_explicit": "0",
    "license_description": "public-domain",
    "nounji_free": "0",
    "permalink": "/term/coat-check/6",
    "preview_url": "",
    "preview_url_42": "",
    "preview_url_84": "",
    "sponsor": {},
    "sponsor_campaign_link": null,
    "sponsor_id": "",
    "tags": [{"id": 27, "slug": "coat-check"},
            {"id": 28, "slug": "clothes-hanger"}],
    "term": "Coat Check",
    "term_id": 27,
    "term_slug": "coat-check",
    "updated_at": "2019-04-22 19:22:17",
    "uploader": {"location": "US",
                "name": "AIGA",
                "permalink": "/aiga-icons",
                "username": "aiga-icons"},
    "uploader_id": "3805019",
    "year": 1974

How this data may be accessed after a request is described in Model.

Beyond this data, instances that were generated not as an element of a list will also have the following attribute:

  • response holding a requests.Response object of the request.

See Icon output handling for a code example of accessing this model’s data.


Some requests return slightly different values. For example, some collection icons have a attribution_preview_url, while some do not.


IconsModel will return a list of IconModel objects, each with the following json structure:

    "attribution": "Double Tap by P.J. Onori from Noun Project",
    "date_uploaded": "2012-05-21",
    "icon_url": "<manually truncated>",
    "id": "2913",
    "is_active": "1",
    "is_explicit": "0",
    "license_description": "public-domain",
    "nounji_free": "0",
    "permalink": "/term/double-tap/2913",
    "preview_url": "",
    "preview_url_42": "",
    "preview_url_84": "",
    "sponsor": {},
    "sponsor_campaign_link": null,
    "sponsor_id": "",
    "tags": [{"id": 4088, "slug": "double-tap"},
            {"id": 2028, "slug": "finger"},
            {"id": 2839, "slug": "interface"},
            {"id": 443, "slug": "ipad"},
            {"id": 440, "slug": "iphone"},
            {"id": 908, "slug": "mobile"},
            {"id": 1293, "slug": "screen"},
            {"id": 1393, "slug": "tablet"},
            {"id": 2816, "slug": "touch"}],
    "term": "Double Tap",
    "term_id": 4088,
    "term_slug": "double-tap",
    "updated_at": "2019-04-22 19:22:17",
    "uploader": {"location": "San Francisco, US",
                "name": "P.J. Onori",
                "permalink": "/somerandomdude",
                "username": "somerandomdude"},
    "uploader_id": "5652",
    "year": 2009

A method returning IconsModel in reality returns a list with some additional attributes:

  • icons holding a list of DotDict objects, each with an icon.

  • collection holding a DotDict object, with the collection the icons come from. (Only for get_collection_icons())

  • generated_at holding a string indicating when the request was generated.

  • response holding a requests.Response object of the request.

Furthermore, each element in the list may be accessed like Model.

See Icons output handling for a code example of accessing this model’s data.


Some requests return slightly different values. For example, some collection icons have a attribution_preview_url, while some do not.


If generated with get_icons_by_term(), the json structure also contains a collections list.


If generated with get_recent_icons(), the json structure lacks the tags list.


UsageModel will return an instance with the following json structure:

    "limits": {
        "daily": null,
        "hourly": null,
        "monthly": 5000
    "usage": {
        "daily": 30,
        "hourly": 16,
        "monthly": 32

How this data may be accessed after a request is described in Model.

Beyond this data, UsageModel instances also have the following attributes:

  • generated_at holding a string indicating when the request was generated.

  • response holding a requests.Response object of the request.

See Usage output handling for a code example of accessing this model’s data.


EnterpriseModel will return an instance with the following json structure:

    "licenses_consumed": 3,
    "result": "success"

How this data may be accessed after a request is described in Model.

Beyond this data EnterpriseModel instances also has the following attribute:

  • response holding a requests.Response object of the request.